Risk Management (RM) is the process of identifying, quantifying, evaluating and managing the exposure to all kinds of dangers, damages or losses faced by...
ISO 45001 is the first International Standard for occupational health and safety written by ISO. Formerly OHSAS 18001; ISO 45001 was published in March...
This document, originally posted on ISO.org introduces the 7 quality management principles that ISO 9000, ISO 9001 and other related quality management standards are...
ISO 17025:2017
ISO 17025: 2017 “General laboratory competency of testing calibration requirements" is the third edition of this standard. The intentions of this standard are...
An organization faces many health and safety related issues despite planning and establishing various systems in place to ensure that all health and safety...
Organizations are faced with numerous incidents and non-conformities at different point of time. Incidents could be as simple as a worker’s ill-health or serious...
An unforeseen emergency can happen at any time. Emergencies can be natural like flood, earthquake, tornado, or a result of human involvement, for example...