Variation Between ISO 9000 and 9001

Variation Between ISO 9000 and 9001

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ISO standards may seem confusing to the common reader. There are thousands of standards available, and it can sometimes be a burden to distinguish one from another. Here we explain the different functions and purpose of the ISO 9000 family, starting with the ISO 9001 standard that covers the requirements for the Quality Management System (QMS).

The ISO 9000 standards focus on quality management, created and maintained by a vast number of organizations and experts, both from the public and the private sectors. It was created with the sole intention of helping organizations, regardless of the size or the industry the organization is involved with. The ISO 9000 family of standards, when implemented correctly help companies to be better managed, more efficient at their work, and head to a more customer-focused field of view.

The ISO 9000 family of standards are based around eight Quality Management Principles, which include:

  1. Customer focus
  1. Leadership
  1. Involvement of people
  1. Process approach
  1. System approach to management
  1. Continual improvement
  1. Factual approach to decision making
  1. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

ISO 9000 family has a multitude of standards under its wing. This includes ISO 9000 itself, which creates the path to their target goal by setting a tone for the organizations under it; be it providing fundamentals or supplying the vocabulary for these systems of bodies. The remaining standards cover a variety of specific points, which include documentation of work, training management and supervision, as well as other performance improvements that the organization may need.

ISO 9001 on the other hand determines the requirements of a Quality Management System. Any body of work within the organization responsible for these standards, who are unaware of the current system are urged to acquire ISO 9000 training provided within the organization. This will ensure that all members that govern the group have a sufficient enough grasp on the topics at hand.

Definition of iso 9001

ISO 9001 is the standard that creates the boundaries in which an organization or group must comply with, in order to meet requirements for having a Quality Management System. It is of prime importance in that it is the only standard within the ISO 9000 family that any and all organizations interested can be certified against.

Currently, the complete title of ISO 9001 is ISO 9001:2015, where the 2015 determines the most recent revision date of the said standard. It provides a framework to managing a body of work’s process and inner workings, ensuring that there would be a systematic approach in an organization’s attempt at creating consistency and meeting client demands. The capability of the organization to follow and uphold relevant laws and regulations is also ensured in this process.

is there a need TO USE THE OTHER ISO 9000 STANDARDS?

Most bodies of work do not use the other standards because the ISO 9001 in itself is an incredibly effective and efficient process, especially when used in association with a separate third party certification method. With that said, using the rest of the standards within the family can still help these groups and teams, especially if they are interested in getting the most out of the Quality Management System.

ISO 9004 guidance standard is meant to help bodies of work interested in the system to extend benefits of 9001 to the stakeholders, which adds in creating a sustained success within the company. With these methods at hand, you can assess the satisfaction of all members involved; from the clients, employees, to the suppliers and other groups. These aspects are needed to be checked firmly in order to see any improvement and growth.


ISO 9001 is similar in structure with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management standard. Both are created in structure to be compatible with each other’s ISO management standards, meaning these two standards are an excellent way for organizations to expand their management systems.


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