Glocert International Certifications (UK) Limited

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Glocert International Certifications (UK) Limited

  • Website: http://
  • Status: Not Accredited
  • Standards: ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO 22301, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27701, ISO 55001, NIST, RBI, GDPR and more
  • Address: Crown House, 27 Old Gloucester Street,
    London WC1N 3AX
    England and Wales, United Kingdom
  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Email Address:

Glocert International is a certification body, providing Testing, Training, Inspection and Certification across the Globe and accredited for more than 120 countries. Glocert International’s advisory and assurance service provides confidence to the customers to reach their target destinations. Glocert International supports the global organisations to achieve their target UN SDGs through its Testing, Training, Inspection and Certification services.
Glocert International have experienced assessors, provide you with in depth audit and assessment which provides value for your Certification. Many clients around the world have greatly benefited through our exceptional service.
We are highly respected worldwide for our certification expertise in the TIC Industry, for our innovative approach to providing services and for the success we bring to our clients. Glocert Internal currently perform hundreds of assessments internationally on an annual basis. Clients range from micro-enterprise to multinationals and include Government Departments, State Bodies, and Private organisations. The International standards and frame works we currently serve include ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO 22301, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27701, ISO 55001, NIST, RBI, GDPR and more

* GLÖCERT Certifications is in the process of getting its Accreditation by a member of the IAF – International Accreditation Forum.

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