Certification Partner Global FZ LLC

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Certification Partner Global FZ LLC

  • Website: http://www.cpg.global
  • Status: Accredited
  • Standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, FSSC, ISO 20000-1, ISO 27001, CSA Star, MTCS
  • Address: Level 7 Building 11, Business Nay, Dubai, UAE.
  • Location: Dubai, UAE
  • Email Address: sudarshan.mandyam@cpg.global

CPG is Australian owned and a full-scope International Certification and Training Body.

We are recognised by JAS-ANZ (Joint Accreditation System – Australia New Zealand), by SAC (Singapore Accreditation Council) and by APMG International as an Accredited Certification Body, by SANAS (South African National Accreditation System) and by Exemplar Global as an Accredited Training Organisation.

CPG certifies small through to large organisations, businesses, hospitals and government departments to both National and International standards, across a wide array of management systems certifications.

CPG technical expertise and customer focus coupled with innovative creation of new management programs and a proven track-record in management ensures that CPG continues to deliver significant contributions to the world of Standards and Accreditation.

CPG certifies small through to large organisations, businesses, hospitals and government departments to both National and International standards, across a wide array of management systems and product certifications.

CPG technical expertise and customer focus coupled with innovative creation of new management programs and a proven track-record in management ensures that CPG continues to deliver significant contributions to the world of Standards and Accreditation.

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