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ISO Update aims to provide information, resources, and updates around the Standards and Certification industry. We believe that organizational standards can help businesses of all shapes and sizes become more efficient and successful on a local, federal, or global scale.

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Setting Up an Effective QMS - ISO Update

The certification process for ISO 9001 requires an extensive external audit to ensure the requirements of the standard are being met and the company is conforming to the standard and their own Quality Management System (QMS). For an organization to succeed in these stages of audits, it is crucial to ensure they are implementing the system according to the standard and their businesses needs, not simply using blanket statements to satisfy the auditor. Your organization should strive to set up an effective management system that will help your business thrive.

What is the Purpose of an Effective QMS?

The overarching purpose of a quality management system is to ensure your business is operating effectively, and in a way that not only sustains itself using smart practices but produces goods and services of the highest quality.

For an example of how a QMS can help your business use better practices to achieve quality results, let’s explore ISO Standards and Training. Your business needs to be dynamic in nature, as processes and procedures are constantly changing alongside a changing market. Your team needs to be adaptive and so do your processes.

ISO 9001:2015 has an increased emphasis on Management Reviews, which should be a cause for celebration, not concern. This is where your staff members can demonstrate to their management better modes of operation that allow them to make superior products and present these to upper management. It is during these reviews that upper management should be reviewing the evidence and crunching numbers to determine if old practices or “the way it’s always been done” is truly the best course of action in this expanding global market. If it’s not, management needs to review their process and determine the best course of action for improvement.

This improvement can be provided through external learning as well as company training programs. These training activities could be development sessions or team-related activities and are great opportunities to communicate your organization’s commitment to employee growth and ideas and demonstrate what your company needs from each employee.

What to Consider When Setting Up Your QMS

No two quality manuals should ever be the same. This is because no two businesses are the same. Even within a multi-site operation, your two locations operate with different sets of shared experiences, successes and hardships that need to be considered when you set up your processes.

For example, if you run a multi-site operation with one location providing mostly warehouse operations, and the other providing office and administrative duties, you should not have the same manual dictating hiring needs. The training requirements for your warehouse could be far more extensive and may even be legally mandated compared to those who work in the administration buildings. You might also need different onboarding training to follow, as warehouse workers might need to be trained for ergonomics differently than those who spend 8 hours at a desk.

You don’t treat the hiring processes the same, so don’t assume your whole process manual can be the same.

It is here in the process that you may want the help of a consultant. Consultants should be seen as an important resource for your organization, even an extension of your own team, who take the time to learn about your unique situations and develop a plan alongside you that not only follows the standard you are looking to certify to, but also pushes your organization towards continued and sustainable growth. If you have an internal quality department, consultants can also act as an impartial team member to help your organization prepare for your certification audit.

Another thing to consider when setting up your QMS is not to be afraid of NCR’s and OFI’s. Non-conformities and opportunities for improvement should be celebrated in the early stages of your certification journey. You want to find holes and problems from your consultant and internal auditors, and you do not want to hide things from your auditor. It is here that you can discover problems and implement solutions prior to your third-party certification audit. Use these audits to switch your mindset of the audit process.

So, how can you ensure your QMS is effective? Easy, don’t assume copying-and-pasting another organisation’s manual will help. If you state in your manual that you perform a process a certain way, and if in practice you don’t follow that process, well that’s an NCR. Write your manual specifically for your organization, either through your own internal quality department, or with the help of a consultant, or both. Use audits as a way to grow, not as a way to stress. And lastly, use management reviews to grow your business, not waste your time. Time is money they say, so be mindful how you are using management review meetings.

Some food for thought: Effective management systems will do nothing but help your organization, but an ineffective management system is the reason organizations don’t like ISO 9001. Consider this when you are pitching the idea of implementing an ISO Standard to your organization.

A key to understanding ISO Standards is to understand the 7 Quality Management Principles that Standards are based on. We have summarized the key points for you here.

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ISO 9001 as a Strategic Planning Model - ISO Update

Written by Kashif Mumtaz

Regardless of the other terms used in ISO 9001:2015, the term, Strategic Direction has not been defined in ISO 9000:2015 Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals and Vocabulary. However, ISO 9001:2015 contains the following strong linkages to the strategic direction of the organization:

  • Clause 4.1 – External and internal issues must be relevant to the Strategic Direction of the organization.
  • Clause 5.1 – The Quality Policy and Quality Objectives must be compatible with the Strategic Direction of the organization.
  • Clause 5.2 – The Quality Policy must support the Strategic Direction of the organization.
  • Clause 9.3 – Management Review Process must ensure the suitability, adequacy effectiveness and alignment of the Quality Management System with the Strategic Direction of the organization.

Strategic Direction as we believe is the organization vision of where the organization wants to be in the future and the development of an overall Strategic Plan is affected by various internal and external factors. Refer to the clause 4.0 of ISO 9001:2015 Context of the Organization which states that the organization shall determine external and internal issues relevant to its purpose and its strategic direction and those affect its ability to achieve the intended results of its Quality Management System. ISO 9001:2015 further elaborates in Notes (1 – 3) of the clause 4.1 that issues can include positive and negative factors or conditions for consideration – Understanding the external context can be facilitated by considering issues arising from legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural, social and international, national or regional economic environments. Understanding of the internal context can be facilitated by considering issues related to values, culture, knowledge and performance of the organization.

The strategic planning process is a continual process and if we look at the traditional strategic planning process, it very much resembles with the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle of which ISO 9001:2015 is a big promoter to apply this cycle to all organizational processes and the Quality Management System as a whole to implement plans to achieve objectives including strategic.  In addition, various functions within the organization having their own strategies can closely be aligned and integrated within the Context of the Organization which is basically overall strategic plan of the organization highlighting all internal and external factors with their resulting impact on the organization along with the approaches to managing risk(s) at the functional and company-wide levels for the achievement of larger mission of the organization.

Having said that, we can say that framework provided by ISO 9001:2015 can be used by the organizations for strategic planning but when the management rejects QMS as strategic planning model and make intuitive decisions then ISO 9001:2015 cannot address or contribute in the overall strategic planning process.

About the Author

Kashif Mumtaz is serving as QA Manager at Omrania in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and has more than 17 years’ experience in quality assurance & management systems. He is Chartered Quality Professional (CQP) and holds a master’s degree in Quality Management from UK

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qas international - isoupdate

by Scott Bishop of QAS International

What are Quality Objectives?

Clause 6.2 of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Standard requires an organisation to establish quality objectives at relevant functions, levels, and processes needed for the quality management system ie – how will the performance of the quality management system be measured and what are the objectives we are hoping to achieve through implementation of the QMS.

How SMARTER Quality Objectives can Help

Whilst it is not specified in ISO 9001, we recommend SMARTER ISO 9001 Quality Objectives that underpin the delivery of the goals detailed the organisation’s strategic plan, support the Quality Policy, and are aligned with the SMARTER philosophy of:

  • S – Specific: quality objectives should be clearly articulate what is trying to be achieved. They should be relevant to the conformity of products and services and to enhance customer and stakeholder satisfaction.
  • M – Measurable: Quality Objectives should be quantitative and data to support performance able to be measured. This data is needed to identify baseline performance against the objectives and to allow for ongoing performance measurement.
  • A – Achievable: Quality Objectives should be realistic and attainable to be successful. There is no point in having an objective that is not achievable.
  • R – Relevant: Quality Objectives should support the Quality Policy and the organisation’s Strategic Plan.
  • T – Time-bound: When will the objective need to be achieved by? Is it an ongoing objective measured at a specified frequency or a targeted completion objective?
  • E – Evaluated: Quality Objectives are required to be evaluated at Management Review Meetings – Clause 9.3.2 of ISO 9001:2015.
  • R – Reviewed: Quality Objectives are required to be reviewed at Management Review Meetings – Clause 9.3.2 of ISO 9001:2015.

Clause 6.2.2 of ISO 9001:2015 also requires that when organisations are planning their Quality Objectives they determine:

  • what needs to be done,
  • resourcing requirements,
  • responsibilities,
  • schedules and due dates,
  • how the results of the performance will be evaluated

Who Needs to Know about the Quality Objectives?

Quality Objectives should also be communicated to all personnel whose roles and responsibilities have a direct or indirect bearing on the performance of the objective. This includes the results of monitoring, review and evaluation of performance data in order to ensure ownership and accountability of performance.


Quality Objectives and being able to measure the performance of the Quality Management System are key to identifying performance problems and also demonstrating continual improvement. Importantly, developing clear, concise SMARTER Quality Objectives also requires systems for capturing meaningful data to support performance against the objectives, and ultimately the achievement of the Quality Policy and goals as detailed in the organisation’s Strategic Plan.

This article was originally published here on QAS International and was published with consent.

About the Author

Scott Bishop is an ISO Consultant at QAS International with over 9 years of consulting experience. He holds a Diploma in Quality Management, Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety, is a Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Lean Sensei, and is passionate about developing streamlined, practical business management systems to meet ISO requirements and improve business operations.

About QAS International

QAS InternationalQAS International are ISO Consultants – developing, implementing and internally auditing a range of ISO Management Systems including ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 45001 Safety Management Systems and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems. Our speciality is designing business management systems that don’t just tick boxes, they make real improvements. We engage with your employees to develop and implement ISO management systems tailored specifically for your organisation. We consider ourselves as part of your team and take pride in our ability to deliver bespoke, compliant (100% success rate) and cost-effective management systems that put organisations on the path to continual improvement and business excellence. Certified First Time, Every Time, Guaranteed!

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ISO 8501 - ISO Update

The overall quality, as well as durability, of paint coatings are affected by the condition of the substrate they are applied on. This is especially concerning when dealing with steel. The surface itself needs to be prepared thoroughly beforehand and, in the case of steel which commonly faces issues pertaining to corrosion and rusting, the surface preparation varies depending upon the different grades of rust, the type of paint selected, the exposure of the finished product and possible environmental concerns.

Some widespread methods of surface preparation (used before or even without coating) are dry blast cleaning, power tool or hand cleaning, degreasing, and water jetting. All these treatments have individual pros and cons and need to be carefully selected after a suitable assessment on the existing condition of the steel substrate they will be used on.

Some notable factors to consider would be rust and mill grades, the profile and presence of contaminants such as oil, water, dust and grease. The process of identifying different rust grades and the subsequent preparation can be quite arduous and, therefore, the ISO 8501 standard was created to act as a guide throughout the process.

What is ISO 8501?

ISO 8501 was published in 1988 as a combination of manual content from other standards like the Swedish Standard SIS 055900 and the German DIN 55928. ISO 8501 is meant to be a pictorial guide to different rust grades at various levels of cleanliness and contains supplementary descriptions via text as well. It’s a method of making visual assessments on the rust grades of the cleanliness of steel surfaces and helps determine paint coats and systems to be used on the substrate. It also ranks the processes of cleaning in order of increasing work required:

  • Light Blast Cleaning
  • Thorough Blast Cleaning
  • Blast Cleaning to Visually Clean Steel

What does it consist of?

The standard is divided into 4 parts:
ISO 8501-1 – Includes different rust grades and the preparation of both uncoated steel substrates and steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings.
This section of ISO 8501 identifies 4 different rust grades most commonly found on uncoated steel surfaces or on stored steel surfaces.
Specifically, the descriptions of rust refer to these 4 types (note that mill scale refers to a flaky blueish surface on hot rolled steel surfaces meant to protect against corrosion):

  • A steel surface mostly covered with the adhering mill scale with little rust if any at all. (possible slight cracks within the mill scale
  • A steel surface which has already begun to rust slightly, mostly the adhering mill scale has begun to flake or shows large cracks which enabled the corrosion.
  • A steel surface on which the adhering mill scale has largely rusted away from or it can be scraped (is severely weakened), but with slight pitting visible under normal vision. (pitting is a localized symptom of corrosion where holes start appearing on metal surfaces)
  • A steel surface on which the mill scale has almost entirely rusted away and on which general pitting is very obviously visible in normal vision.

ISO 8501-1 also identifies different cleanliness grades/ preparation grades for comparison purposes after you have completed preparing your uncoated surface or removed previous coatings from a surface.

Three preparation grades are identified and related to the cleaning method possibly used which is either:

  • Blast Cleaning- Light, thorough/very thorough blast cleaning, or cleaning until visually clean steel.
  • Hand and Power Tool Cleaning
  • Flame Cleaning (rarely used)

ISO 8501-2 – Focuses on steel substrates after the localized removal of their previous paint coatings and their possible preparation processes and grades.

This portion of the standard is based upon the prior experience that dictates that the complete removal of previous paint coatings is not always necessary, practical or economical. This holds true especially when regular maintenance is already being carried out and efforts need to be focused on specific portions exposed to a certain pollutant of rust stimulant.

ISO 8501-3 – Deals specifically with surface ‘imperfections’ such as edges, welds etc. and the preparation grades for them

ISO 8501-4 – Deals with pre-project surface conditions, and relevant preparation grades and flash rust grades for high-pressure water jetting.

To summarize, ISO 8501 proves to be a detailed and helpful guide to identifying various rust grades through different levels of cleanliness of steel substrates.

For a more in-depth look into ISO 8501, read TQC Sheen’s PDF on the standard and its history.

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ISO Benefits Your Business -

Standards, certification, testing and inspection help businesses to reduce costs, increase productivity and access new markets. ISO 9001 certification aims towards continual improvement based on a system of constant feedback and action, which works with your company’s goals and missions to help you achieve company objectives and targets. But, how does ISO 9001 certification benefit your business goals?

Improve Company Performance through Improved Operational and Product Quality and Consistency

Consistency refers to decreased variation in operations and, subsequently, your product. Deviations from desired results should result in upper management not just questioning what went wrong, but how their process allowed for the mistake to be made. With a properly implemented management system, steps and controls are in place to prevent such occurrences. When implemented correctly, your management system should allow for seamless production and effective practices that reduce downtime, confusion, and non-conforming products from reaching the customer.

Consider your quality management processes the well-built foundation that your business is built on and grows upon. Controls are built upon objectives, data metrics, and procedure flexibility, the interaction of all these variables should contribute to a well-established Quality Management System, which should, in turn, improve the quality and consistency of the product.

Interested in learning about real-world applications and successes of ISO Certifications? Read these Case Studies on Improving Company Performance through ISO Standards

Expanding Market Opportunities and Customer Base through Improved Overall Quality of Products and Services

Your organization is constantly striving to improve your processes, adapting and accommodating to a forever changing global landscape and increase in international competition. Implementation of ISO 9001 provides your organization with a guideline for success, and measures to report against to prove your growth. Using a process approach to business, ISO 9001 enables your organization to focus on quality and consistency in your outputs while decreasing waste and increasing efficiency. The reduction, or elimination, of variation and improved consistency results in more efficient procedures that are less wasteful than their previous counterparts. In a case study from Shogyo International, the company leveraged the management system and ISO 9001 to qualify for projects they previously were not able to and to eliminate tedious practices like lengthy questionnaires. They also gained understanding, specifically with regards to nonconformities – when a customer requests corrective action, they now understand what process to follow. ISO 9001 also allowed Shogyo to gain better control of their vendor’s nonconformities, which in turn allowed them to track and monitor trends.

Shogyo International predicted that this increase in market potential and decrease in inefficient practices would result in over $200k in increased sales volume. “Given the reduction in their employees spending less time filling out long questionnaires during bids, they are already saving about $6,000 per year, enabling the business to recover their investment in ISO 9001 certification in less than 2 years.” Source

Interested in learning more about real-world applications and successes of ISO Certifications? Read these Case Studies on Expanding Market Opportunities through ISO Standards

Better Understand Production Procedure

ISO 9001 requires your organization to provide detailed and effective documentation of processes as well as identification of affecting external factors and appropriate courses of action or metrics. With increased attention to procedures, best practices, and improvement, organizations using ISO 9001 see dramatic increases in the understanding and effectiveness of their processes, and how to better them.

Utilizing ISO 55001, one organization improved its risk management and reliability, with work delivered more efficiently towards higher ‘risk to operations’ activities, reducing reactive work by nearly 40%. The organization saw more focus delivered to continuous improvement activities, enabling even more benefits to be realized and saw a 41% reliability improvement over 36 months with their certification. –Source


“Conformity assessment has a range of strands, all of which contribute to giving people confidence and assurance in using and buying products and services. These strands include testing, inspection, certification and accreditation. – Source

They can help to:

  • Build customer confidence that your products are safe and reliable;
  • Meet regulation requirements, at a lower cost;
  • Reduce costs across all aspects of your business; and
  • Gain market access across the world.

If you are interested in learning about how ISO 9001 can help your organization, speak to a local industry professional today:

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ISO 13485 - ISOUpdate

What is ISO 13485

Specifically developed for the manufacture of medical devices, ISO 13485’s primary objective is to help facilitate harmonized medical device regulatory requirements in the industry. It contains a comprehensive list of requirements meant to guide organizations that belong to the pharmaceutical supply chain by referencing specific requirements for the manufacture, installation and servicing of supplies. Its applicability is extended by the fact that it is useful to companies that operate in any tier of the industry, with a special focus on organizations that service medical device manufacturers.
Despite it being based upon ISO 9001, ISO 13485 shifts its focus from continual improvement to meeting regulatory requirements and risk management. The system aligns its requirements to match those of the FDA and other foreign regulators, which provides it with the framework to expand upon with further regulatory as well as customer requirements.

Why is it important?

The requirements of ISO 13485 are flexible enough to be applicable to any organization within the production line regardless of their size. These organizations could be involved within design, production, distribution, servicing or even external suppliers. ISO 13485 establishes specific requirements for organizations to follow through on to ensure that they can meet customer and regulatory requirements.
Because of its versatility and range within the market, ISO 13485 has become a staple necessity for organizations in the market, especially competitive ones.

How do you become certified?

The process of becoming certified to ISO 13485 involves developing a management system based on the standards’ guidelines customized to your company and then hiring a recognized third party to conduct regular audits.

The primary objective of your management system development process must revolve around your product policy and quality manual; these set the basis for the implementation of the system. Starting with management support and identifying the customer requirements for the management system, you will need to start with defining your quality policy, objectives, and manual which will work to determine the scope and extent of implementation of the management system.
Additional processes and procedures – including mandatory ones, need to be created to ensure efficient delivery of products and services. For this, you must consult the list of mandatory documents required by ISO 13485:2016.
Once all of this is accomplished, your management system will need to be operational for a period to collect necessary records and documentation required for audits and system reviews to become certified. This length of time will be stated by your certification body.

Steps to Get Certified:

Internal audit- Provides the ideal opportunity for you to check that all the records are in place and to verify that all the processes of the management system are being followed and there is total compliance.
It also serves as an opportunity to investigate potential issues and threats and to rectify them prior to a third-party audit. For this reason, the internal audit needs to be followed up with a Management Review.

Management review- A formal review conducted by management to meticulously go over the management system processes and make appropriate decisive plans and assign resources based on them. Certain key variables need to be looked upon based on the results of the internal audit and action plans must be created that will need to be implemented within a reasonable timeframe. These new procedures must be communicated with all relevant parties prior to being set in place.
Corrective Procedures- Any previously identified non-compliances or opportunities for improvement found during the internal audit need to be resolved with procedures set in place to ensure this. Documentation, procedures and results shall be kept for third-party certification auditor’s review.


After these actions have been performed, the organization will begin the certification process which is further divided into 2 stages, Documentation Review (Stage 1) and Certification Audit (Stage 2).

Documentation Review – Auditors from the selected certification body will review all company documentation to ensure it meets the ISO requirements.

Certification Audit – The certification body will conduct a comprehensive audit of your organization to assess whether your activities conform to ISO 13485 as well as your own provided documentation.

If your certification body deems it fit, your company will become certified after these steps.

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texas quality assurance blog - isoupdate

by Kyle Chambers of Texas Quality Assurance

Competence, Training, Awareness….  Organizational Knowledge too?

When compared to the ISO 9001:2008 standard the requirement in ISO 9001:2015 is more heavily weighted towards Competence.  In facilities, where competence is often based on compliance to a WPS or ASNT training, along with standard common in house training such as Control of Nonconforming Outputs some simple systems are required to effectively identify and track these records.

By utilizing the method detailed in this post, you will be able to develop a complete, comprehensive and well-executed Competence, Training and Awareness program.

Organizational Knowledge | ISO 9001 7.1.6

The ISO 9001:2015 Standard concerning Competence, Training and Awareness technically starts at clause 7.2 Competence.  However, it really has it’s roots going back to 7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge and further still to 5.2.1 Establishing the Quality Policy and 5.2.2 Communicating the Quality Policy.  So much is based on the awareness as described in 5.2.2.  Little is given on what the awareness or any evaluation of it should or should not look like.  We will explore some methods below.  Next, we jump forward to 7.1.6 for Organizational Knowledge.  Organizational Knowledge comes in a variety of forms, some documented such as intellectual property (documented information for specs and manuals generally).  Other undocumented forms include knowledge gained from experience, such as lessons learned, and “undocumented knowledge” from experience.  Somehow, we have to ensure the appropriate people have access to this organizational knowledge.  This is often not in a documented manner that we might have used in the previous 9001:2008 edition of the standard.  In the previous standard, we could easily have reached the conclusion that a Metallurgist with 10 years experience must account for his skills and abilities in a matrix, with required documentation for each new method “tip or trick” developed in his department.  Today, under ISO 9001:2015, we have to ensure everyone has access to such information and can “tell the same story”.

Competence | ISO 9001 7.2

The 2015 edition of the standard is well developed in that one section rolls into the next.  Much, not all, but much of what can be considered organizational knowledge can be evaluated as a part of the Job Descriptions, or Offer Letters, Cross Training Reports, and Annual Evaluations.  It is at these junctures where appropriate documented information can be attained to demonstrate base competence for a particular job without the requirement for more lengthy processes.  By utilizing these methods, keeping Organizational Knowledge in mind, we are able to quickly meet letters a) “determine the necessary competence of person(s)”, b) “ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate education, [not yet on ‘training’], or experience;”, and much of d) “retain appropriate documented information”

Training (the missing clause) and The Matrix

Clause 7.2 Competence letters b) and c) make it necessary for most (nearly all) organizations to have an official training program.  Below, we will outline one such method.

The training matrix is a simple list that identifies the following:

  1. Training/Competence by title: IE Orientation, WPS-XYZ, Control of Nonconformities Process, ASNT UT Level II, etc….
  2. Departments/Job Title Required
  3. Retrain/Recert frequency
  4. Type of Training (Dem, Comp, Aware) – see below

Dem – Demonstrated Competency trainings require a hands on demonstration, IE qualification for a WPS, or ASNT cert

Comp – Competence Training require a test or simple evaluation of understanding, IE the process of nonconformities

Aware – Awareness only Training require no more documentation than a signing sheet for the training event

Training Records

The training records should be in direct reference to the individual training title, reference the employee, and the date taken.

Follow-up Actions

Follow-up actions can be tough to identify and account for.  Without a Learning Management Tool in place, a simple monthly or even quarterly review is sufficient.  In this case, it is my recommendation that you add an extra value to your training matrix, the “retrain date”.  Then a simple filter or query for dates less than or equal to today (or some interval of days in the future) will quickly and easily tell you who is due for training.

About the Author

Kyle Studied at the University of Houston in the Architecture program for some time and graduated with a degree in Management Information Systems. Soon he began work with a Gas Turbine Repair company as the systems administrator. Having worked himself out of a job as the local systems administrator within a year, he was placed in charge of facilitating the development and implementation of the first health and safety system for his employer in 2009. Soon additional environmental and quality concerns arose, and Kyle was officially the QHSE & IT Manager for a growing company. By the end of 2013, they were certified to ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 running an ISO 14001 compliant Integrated QMS.

Since then Kyle has gone on to providing custom QMS solutions including QMS Software, Internal Auditing, Consulting and Training. Through knowledge and firsthand experience with the standards that he has learned inside and out, Kyle is able to quickly and effectively conduct audits, and identify positional solutions, and bring organizations into compliance fostering continual improvement.

About Texas Quality Assurance

Texas Quality AssuranceBased in Friendswood, just outside of Houston, TX, Texas Quality Assurance was developed out of a need to save time and energy managing quality systems. The end goal is to save folks time, and make business more efficient, and more profitable for everyone in the process.

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Getting ISO Certified -

So, your organization has decided to obtain an ISO Certification, perhaps to ISO 9001:2015 or ISO 14001:2015. You have already taken the necessary steps to implement the system into your organization, either through your own Quality Manager, hiring a consultant, or are in the process of doing so. Now what? Now is the time to start seeking quotes for accredited certification to ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 or whichever standard you are striving towards. How should you choose a Certifying Body, and more importantly, how do you choose the best Certification Body for your organization?

The process of becoming ISO certified involves an independent or third-party auditor visiting each of your company’s sites and conducting a site audit annually.

Learn more about the Certification process.

When employing a Certification Body, it is essential you make an informed decision as you will be working closely with the CB you choose over an extended period, and trusting their work is essential.


Ensure you are looking for this distinction when you are selecting your CB. Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17021 is the minimum standard you should consider when selecting a CB, without it your certificate cannot be considered valid in the marketplace. Consider accreditation like your government-issued photo ID; while you may have a library card or another piece of photo ID, only the government issued photo ID is accepted when you are travelling or being verified for your identity, as it is regulated and trusted. Accredited certification is the same concept.


Consider your CB’s reputation in the industry when you are selecting your quotes. Referrals from other companies you trust or published customer satisfaction testimonials are a great way to understand the company’s reputation in the industry. Reputable organizations will also have a proven track record and experience in your industry. Consider asking your suppliers who they are currently certified with as you can access a lot of new avenues for future business growth through these connections, and it can aid in linking you to similar companies or even potential clients or business partners. Remember that the reputation of the CB that issues the certification is also reflective of your company, and it is in your best interest to employ a CB that has a strong reputation for success.


Look for a Certification Body that specializes in, or has experience with, auditing your niche of services or goods. Most CB’s who have been in the industry for a number of years have vast prior knowledge of how a certain type of organization is meant to operate. This can save you time during your audits from having to explain the processes to your third-party auditor.

Important Note: Auditors are curious by nature though, so prepare for your audits to have curious questions, meant to help understand your specific interpretation of the standard, not to prove non-compliance with the standard. Auditors are not in the business to ‘catch you’. They should be auditing to establish conformance, not non-conformance. If you feel your auditor is not auditing in this way, speak with your CB to resolve the situation, and they should be more than willing to accommodate your request.


Travel expenses for the auditor(s) are your organization’s responsibility during each audit. This is one expense that you as the client have control over, and it is in your best interest to research beforehand the location of your CB and their auditors in relation to your sites. Having a CB with an auditor who is local to your organization is a huge benefit, as this drastically reduces the travel and accommodation expenses associated with each audit.

The location may also prove to be an issue in flexibility. Scheduling audits with your long-distance CB can be more restricted regarding the dates for audits, and they may not be as flexible regarding date changes if travel arrangements have already been made.


It is important to look for Certification Bodies and auditors whose values align with your organization. As per ISO standards, recertification is required every 3 years and you will have to work with your chosen CB over an extended period of time. For example, scheduling your audit each year may be a lengthy process of communication with multiple departments within your organization, and your CB point of contact, with multiple back and forth conversations.

Research each CB on their company policies and ensure their key business model aligns with what you consider the highest value to meet your needs. You are their client and should be treated exactly as such. Establish open and clear communication with your CB and your auditor in order to fully reap the benefits of the services they provide. The CB you work with can quickly become third-party supports allowing you to improve consistently. While a CB cannot act as a consultancy service, most offer a range of workshops, training and valuable guidance via online resources should you require.


The cost of an ISO Certification should also be considered, but also weighted in comparison to the benefits offered by your chosen CB. Do your due diligence in researching various rates around you and conduct a simple cost-benefit analysis to determine whether the services they’re offering are indeed worth the price they quote. Your cost-benefit analysis should include Accreditation, Reputation, Specialization, Location, Compatibility, and Cost, as well as any other criteria you deem important for your organization.

Ensure you are quoted for both the 3 year certification period costs as well as the initial charges and ask about the services that are included or excluded from the quoted costs.

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How To Survive an Audit - ISOUpdate

Written by Nathaniel Smith of Beyond Improvement

Preparation is Not Everything

Contrary to common belief, there is only so far you can go to prepare for an audit and, depending on the nature of the audit, sometimes it is best not to prepare at all.

The reality may be that you don’t have the time or resources to make EVERYTHING ‘perfect’, or even just to make it look perfect for the audit.

What’s more, even with an agreed agenda, the challenge is often knowing what specific direction the auditor may take, and what evidence trails they will follow.

Consider for a moment, that if you went out for a meal with some friends to a restaurant you had not been to before, could you correctly predict what everyone would order to eat and drink?

Everyone has different tastes, which can vary from one day to the next depending on a whole raft of variables and factors.

Trying to predict specifically what an auditor will look at can be a shot in the dark. Perhaps you have repeat audits with the same auditor, looking at the same processes each time. However, in my experience, many auditees have spent late nights preparing for an audit in an effort to cover all possible areas. Ever had that feeling of please don’t look in ‘that’ file or cupboard?

Priority is key here, focussing on bigger gaps, areas you know to be not right, not compliant or could be most severe. Your auditor is likely to look at the biggest risks first.

Consider what your business priorities are, and the type of audit i.e. regulatory compliance, insurance, customer, supply chain, certification. All will have biases or ‘risks’ they will focus on, use these as key start points. And try to at least formally record/identify those areas you know are gaps but have not yet been able to address, as this at least demonstrates self-awareness and intention.

There can be a good reason to not prepare at all…

If the audit is internal, or you are paying for a third-party audit to improve your business/maintain certification, then consider not preparing at all. This will better reflect your current situation (i.e. business as usual) and can maximise the benefit and value from the audit process. Should documents/processes not occur normally throughout the year?

Audit findings can provide great impetus and buy-in from stakeholders to address areas for improvement or get any necessary resources.

Be Open and Honest

It should go without saying, but being open and honest will always be better received by the auditor. Most auditors will be able to tell if you are trying to pull the wool over their eyes, fictitious stories and fabrication of evidence can often fall apart, possibly making an auditor more determined to catch you out and resulting in more severe findings.

Try to also look at these situations from the auditor’s point of view – would you like to be conned or lied to? Auditors have a job to do too. Sometimes they can be helpful allies, providing further guidance or insight into any issues. They are not always out to ‘get you’ and are often keen to make a difference to help improve your business, so don’t see them as the enemy.

An audit may help to keep people safe, aid the business to be legally compliant or financially secure, boost customer satisfaction, be environmentally sustainable – and much more.

If you have gaps, talking about them proactively can be very beneficial, especially if you have already identified or recorded along with your plans to address it. The auditor may still raise it as an issue but they may mitigate this or reduce the severity in recognition of your plans to address it.

A third-party auditor may have even more experience, visiting up to hundreds of businesses each year, seeing what works and what doesn’t, resulting in genuinely helpful feedback.

So, look for the benefits rather than dreading the outcome.

And Breathe!

Understandably some people can get very nervous, before and during an audit. Try to relax, taking on board the points above.

Remember that whilst the audit has a purpose and the auditor has a job to do, many auditors (including those of a regulatory purpose), like to help.

Asking relevant questions, examples of best practices or ideas (where they can be given) can be very valuable to you and your business.

I personally have seen many auditees go from a state of physical nervous shaking at the start to a happy, warm smile at the end of the audit, finding it informative, helpful and even sometimes fun!

About the Author

Nathaniel Smith has over 20 years’ experience in management systems, including working as an assessor at BSI (British Standards Institute), a leading global certification body.

Nathaniel is passionate about implementing best practice and providing real value going beyond small basic improvements – he helps businesses go further and can help you create real significant change, improving growth, performance and reducing risk.

About Beyond Improvement

beyond improvement logoHaving seen and experienced the challenges working with some consultants, Beyond Improvement strives to offer a genuine value-led solution based on the following principles:

– You and your business needs come first

– A tailored approach to your business, its culture, and how you would like to work

– Consistency. You won’t be passed between a team of consultants; services will always be delivered by me, Nathaniel Smith, the person who understood your original requirements and brings the experience and expertise that you need

– Coaching-led, so that you and your business understands the system and can maintain it, your business/system doesn’t depend on me

– Ongoing support, only if you need it and always value based

Learn more about Beyond Improvement

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Simple Tips for Implementing ISO 9001:2015 - Video

Ready to implement ISO 9001 in your organization? Here are some simple ISO 9001 tips for the process to be aware of and prepare for.


Tip: Implement ISO 9001 for the Right Reason

When implementing a quality management system (QMS) for ISO 9001, management should be clear about the purpose of the QMS. If the only driver is to get on customers’ tender lists or because a competitor has already got one, it’s highly likely that the QMS will remain a set of documents for certification purposes only.

Management should aim for a QMS that will help the organization produce quality products or services, continuously improve its process, and provide confidence to customers that the organization is capable of meeting their requirements all the time.

Tip: Motivate your Workforce

In order for organizations to achieve a desired level of quality, people need to get involved. People are the essence of organizations and their full involvement is essential to implement and maintain ISO 9001.

Employees can be motivated by:

  • Ensuring that everyone knows and understands the organization’s quality policy;
  • Defining and communicating responsibilities and authorities within the organization;
  • Building the competence of employees;
  • Providing adequate infrastructure and work environment;
  • Initiating improvements, e.g. by implementing employees’ suggestions.

Tip: Take the Necessary Time

All too often organizations are in a hurry to obtain certification and do not spend the time needed to implement the system effectively. Before applying for certification, your QMS needs to be in place and its effectiveness checked through an internal audit, followed by corrective actions on audit findings.

Tip: Go Easy with the Paperwork

Many believe that everything in the system needs to be elaborately documented. Often, organizations are better off sticking to what is required and keeping those documents simple; additional procedures and records should be considered only if they add value to the system.

Tip: Set the Example

Some employees may find it difficult to change their ways of doing and may have a tendency to deviate from defined procedures. To change this, top management should ‘walk the talk’, i.e., should not allow deviations from set procedures or permit the release of materials with deviations.

Under such an approach, employees will start respecting system requirements and everyone will take account of their responsibilities for the success of the QMS.

Learn more about ISO 9001 and how to engage top-level management to ensure the success of your QMS.
