Dr T.Sambandam

Auditor Listing

Dr T.Sambandam

  • Name: Dr T.Sambandam
  • Email: drmts1965@gmail.com
  • Phone Number: +91 8523969321
  • Location: India
  • Standards: ISO 50001-2018

Experienced in Energy Audit, Energy Management System Audit, CO2 Emission Estimation, BEE Certified Energy Auditor 400 + Energy Audits since 1991. ISO 50001-2011/18 EnMS System Audits. Conducted Lead Auditor Training for ISO 50001 (IRCA Approved). A mechanical engineer with Industry and academic experience of 30 yeard. Holding Post Graduate in Energy Conservation and Management and Ph.D in Industrial Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission Mitigation. Interested in providing LA Training / Awareness Training and Internal Auditor Training for ISO 50001-2018

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